How do I create a TGR for my Opensea, or other erc1155 collection?

On Ethereum Mainnet:

To create a TGR for an Opensea collection on mainnet, select Opensea as the token type, and input the collection name.

    *Note- Please copy the collection name from the URL of the collection (<collection-name>), as it may not match the title displayed on Opensea.

For this example, the name of the collection you should use in the configuration is liquiddreams2-0

For erc1155 collections that are not part of the Opensea shared storefront contract, you must list all token IDs for the collection in the Token ID section of the command center.  The token IDs should be separated by one comma, and no space.

On a chain other than Ethereum mainnet:

For Polygon, BSC, xDai, Arbitrum, Avalanche, Optimism, and Palm

When creating a TGR for an erc1155, you must include the token IDs of all items from your collection in the Token ID section of the command center. The token IDs should be separated by one comma, and no space. You can also input a range of token IDs, such as 3-9000.

    *Note- erc1155 tokens minted with the Opensea shared contract have very long token IDs, and there is currently a limit of around 4000 token IDs for one single TGR. You can still create multiple TGRs per discord role if you have a collection with greater than 4000 tokens.