For Solana FT configuration you will just need to use the token contract address and select the minimum/maximum requirements.

When creating a TGR for a Solana NFT, you will see a field called Filters in the token details screen, this is specific to the Solana NFT token type. Please choose the filter to use for your collection from the dropdown list. 



Collab.Land accepts 3 different filters to identify the token. The corresponding public key/address can be found in the token’s metadata on a block explorer. If you would like to configure multiple addresses, they can be listed separated by a comma “,” with no spaces.

  • mints - Use when specifying individual tokens.

Metadata example for which address to use


  • creators - This is the most common filter to use when working with a collection of NFTs. You can find the verified creators filter address by viewing a token from your collection on Solscan. Look for the "creators" section under the metadata tab. The verified creators address is the one which says "verified" : int 1 underneath the address as shown below.

Metadata example for which address to use

  • masterEditions - Use when specifying a group of limited editions. The mint address is used just like the mints filter.

Metadata example for which address to use