Have you encountered a 400 error code on our wallet connect page? 

  • First, it's important to understand how Collab.Land works. We read (read-only!) your associated wallet address on the blockchain to check that you own whatever assets are required for each specific token gated role (TGR). The page you complete the wallet connection on should *ALWAYS and ONLY* be https://connect.collab.land, but you can't just navigate directly there!
  • You should always use a fresh Discord/Telegram "Let's Go" link so our bot can associate your connection with a specific community!
  • You'll need to complete the connection process exactly as it's presented, changing or denying permissions will result in an error.
  • The verification process must be completed within 5 minutes or else the connection expires/times out and you'll need to start over from the "Let's Go" button again.
  • If the previous steps don't work for resolving a 400 type error you're experiencing, try clearing your cache!
  • Most importantly - PLEASE make sure that the bot you're interacting with is actually us and not an impersonator.